As a respectful company to the environment, we think that it is possible to preserve our heritage that is a clean and livable environment and natural resources for future’s generations to new generations only with the participation of everybody. With this consciousness, Aksem Kalıp promises following for “Protection of Natural Environment":

To minimize the harmful effects related to our production on the environment (air, water and soil pollution, reduction of resources, effect on plant, animal, human health and safety, etc...) and to provide waste disposal and/or recycle,

Take measures to reduce the consumption of energy resources (electricity, natural gas, water, LPG, fuel oil, etc ...) and to ensure progress each year by setting targets,

To comply with all laws, regulations and provisions of the legislation related to the environment, make and maintain the requirements,

To subject to training all our employees on environmental awareness and individual responsibilities to achieve success in our environmental targets,

To raise our environmental standards by providing cooperation with national and local government agencies, other industry organizations and suppliers,

Our environmental Policy is open to everyone.